February 12, 2014

It's coming along.....

For the past few weeks we have basically been living at Garrett's new office getting things ready for our opening date: next Monday, February 17th.  (Eek!  That came fast!)
We've been living off of fruit snacks, the occasional Carl's Jr. run (which I am ashamed to admit), and my mother's generosity of providing us with dinner after dinner.
We are also living on minimal sleep.  Between late nights at the office (Garrett didn't get home until 2am the other day), early mornings at the office (a few days ago Garrett left for the office at 4:30am), and our sweet little Soren who is still not into sleeping at night yet (this is getting ridiculous), we are all a little tired around here.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: starting your own business is a lot of work! 
Granted, the two little girls and newborn baby boy make it a lot more work, but I am still amazed at all there is to do and learn!  
However, things are coming along and come Monday morning, this place will be ready to receive our wonderful patients. 
Here's a little look at the progress.......
A sneak peek at our two massage rooms:

And the shabby chic chairs that I reupholstered for them:

We also reupholstered one of Garrett's adjusting tables:

That thing was a beast.  I hope to never have to do that again!  

We are very proud and excited to be displaying my uncle David Oberg's photography in our office.
Our first, massive 30"x 50" canvas of Pioneer Peak arrived the other day:

Isn't it gorgeous?!  
I can't wait to hang it up in the reception area and I'm really excited to see the rest of the canvases as they arrive. 

And our front sign all lit up at night:

We're still working on putting the rest of the office together.  In fact, the front reception counter is still being built (oh, please be done by opening morning!).  
If any of you happen to contact me on Monday morning, I'll probably be shedding a few tears:
tears of joy
tears of relief
tears of exhaustion
tears of gratitude for my husband and for our blessings (and to be honest, probably a few tears of postpartum hormonal-ness).

And then after that I'll probably be biting my nails with anxiety, hoping that things run fairly smoothly for everyone and that Garrett rema. 

And for those locals who are curious about Christensen Chiropractic, please visit our website (that I was able to build despite my computer illiteracy!) and be sure to stop by and see us sometime! 

1 comment:

Claire Christensen said...

So proud of you! Everything looks so beautiful and inviting! Love it!!!

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