Running around after her sister.
Growing her vocabulary.
Shouting "poo-poo" and patting her diaper whenever she needs to be changed (could this be a welcome sign of a child who actually might potty train well--and early!?).
Loves singing into the $1 microphone we scored from the thrift store.
Knows whenever her picture is about to be taken and will shout "cheeeese!" and give the camera a big grin.
Has started to snuggle her mommy more. Melts. my. heart.
Kind of a picky eater. And she either eats nothing at all or she eats like a horse.
Favorite foods lately: bananas, rice, eggs, and chocolate.
Will go into Nursery during church next month (Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Halle-eh-lujah!)
Loves giving kisses and "pat-pats" (patting the person on the back while she gives them a hug. Love it!)
Has an eagle eye for i-phones, i-pads, or any expensive piece of technological equipment and desires nothing more than to play with them. This kid is a serious addict.
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