July 22, 2011

Brain Spew

We should be emerging from a record-breaking heatwave this weekend: hallelujah!  I'm not the biggest fan of 122 degree heat indexes.

I am embarrassingly excited about the "Once Upon a Child" sale tomorrow ($15 for all you can fit into a big paper grocery bag).  I'm planning on outfitting the girls for at least a year or two....

I am rediscovering the awesomeness of house-hunting and job hunting, and all while I'm in a completely different state!

Have you ever watched "Finding Nemo" four times in one day or looked at the clock at 5pm and thought, "Maybe we should all get dressed and out of our pajamas"?

Are you thinking, "laziest mom ever" yet?

Kenadie has started to speak a few full sentences this week and I'm weirded out. 
I will miss the "baby Chinese talk".....

It took me all evening a few nights ago just to pack up all our books.  
I'm a little concerned about packing up everything else with just 2 weeks remaining.....

As much as I don't like packing, I kind of like it at the same time.....

Anyone want to buy my bike stroller?

Anyone have any advice about how to survive an airport and subsequent 6 hour flight with a hyperactive 2 year old and a newborn?

I'm speaking in church on Sunday about the Mormon Pioneers.  I actually enjoy preparing talks for church and don't mind speaking in front of large crowds, but I'm a little intimidated over this topic.  Help?
Lila has been shimmy-ing down in her Boppy to get nice and snug when she sleeps.  It's I think it's time to have her start sleeping without it, but she's so darned cute!
Do you like my toddler's artwork on the arms of the chair in the above picture?

I kinda forgot how I did things when Kenadie was an infant (selective memory from the colic days, perhaps?) and sometimes I feel like a first-time parent again.  We're having a difficult time establishing a sleep routine for Lila and I don't know if it's her or just me....

I've been having some serious cravings for Cafe Rio.  If you live in Utah, please go enjoy a pork burrito (extra meat, enchilada style, lime cilantro dressing on the side) for me.  Thanks!


Duck said...

If your brain is feeling fried, or "spewing" too much, this little video might offer some comedic relief:

It's by the Plain White Ts, I mean plain white shirts:

Hope all is going well for you! Stay safe in Alaska. :)

Camber said...

Holly, I love reading your blog! And I loved your brain spew. It was kind of intense. I have no advice for your questions. But good luck. And you made me really want Cafe Rio and I can't get it either.

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