June 28, 2011

Little Lila Love

A few weeks ago, my friend Rhonda came over to take newborn pictures of Lila.
Our first experience having a professional photo shoot, and may I say how much fun that was!?
On Sunday, Rhonda gave me a CD of all the pictures, and they are incredible!  (Anyone living in the Minneapolis area and needing a photographer, she is amazing.)
Rhonda giving me the CD couldn't have come at a more perfect time.  
Poor Lila has been heading down the same path of crying/screaming that Kenners went through as an infant and the past week has left me a little ragged.
But seeing these pictures warms my heart and reminds me what a precious gift little Lila is in our family. 
It's only been 3 weeks since her birth and already I can't imagine life without Lila and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for sending her to our family.  She is a blessing. 
And isn't she beautiful!?

 And seeing Kenadie with her is a blessing as well.
Lila has decided to resist the Moby Wrap lately (sorrow!), so in order to get certain things done (in order to eat, bathe, cook, clean, go to the bathroom, tend to Kenners, etc), I have to simply set Lila down and let her scream.  Kenners is quick to run to Lila's side, stroke her head, and repeat, "It okay.  I heew, I heew (I'm here, I'm here.)" over and over again until I can come pick Lila up and bounce with her on the exercise ball (which is proving, once again, to be a lifesaver!) to somewhat calm her down.  And if Kenners ever feels that I am taking too long to get around to picking up poor Lila, she'll run up to me and yell, "Cwying!  Cwying! (Crying!)"
I just love what a sweet sister she is.

Love my little girls. :)


The Allen Family said...

Those pictures are just precious! I can't believe little Kenadie is getting so big. She is adorable, and I can't say enough about sweet Lila. These pictures are so adorable. I hope you are doing well. I hope that Lila isn't really fussy. You deserve a calm little thing. :) I will call you soon.

Duck said...

Absolutely STUNNING photos.

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