October 17, 2010

Dear Zofran,

Thanks--once again--for your loyal friendship.  What would I do without you!?


Bald n Beautiful said...

Good Luck!!

Taffy and Tony said...

Whoa. What?

Crystal @ 29 Rue House said...

Holly! Are congratulations in order??

Laura said...

um whoa! congrats if this means what I think it means ;)

Anonymous said...

I had to look Zofran up on Google. I HOPE you do not need it for surgery or for cancer. The other use for it, I read, is to heal with nausea... are you preggies?

If you are, congratulations to you and Garrett. And, how does Kenners feel about being a big sister?

Love to all! (Hey, now Kenners and Maxx can still be an item, and if you have another girl, she and our new Jackson (although he will be a year older- hope she likes older men) can be a pair. We are destined to be family! LOL)

Happy night. :) C

Tara and Bryce Raleigh said...

ummmmm HOLLY I AM SOOO EXCITED FOR YOU! I will totally take care of kenners at alyeska so you can just relax. on another note, I am so sorry you are sick again, hopefully it will be better this time. If you ever want to talk I know what you are going through so just call me and you can cry to me and i will sympathize with you completely.. oh I am so happy for you guys! let me know if there is anything we can do... love you!


The Wilson Family said...

Are you having another BABY!??? SWEEEET, you make such cute babies :o)

Nicole said...

Zofran already! Well, at least we know that's a good sign :)

Meg said...

Hooray!!!! I want details! I'll call you soon!

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