May 26, 2009


What a difference six weeks can make!
Here's about 28 weeks into the pregnancy:
....And here's nearly 34 weeks into the pregnancy.
As several people at church put it, I have suddenly popped out.

I am feeling less and less attractive as these pregnancy pictures progress, so don't expect many more. Just trust me, the belly is getting large, everything is feeling cramped, and let the count down begin until I can hold this little baby in my arms instead of holding her against my bladder and internal organs.


Nicole said...

Holly! Those lower abs are looking great! Keep on doing whatever you can to keep them from getting loose. Then it just hurts the siatic nerve and pelvis! You are doing fantastic sis!!

Talia said...

Yay for pregnant Holly pics!!!! :) I was about to start harassing you to put some up! I think you look sooo cute. I wish I was there to rub that cute baby bump! :)

Meg said...

So FUN! You still look very cute to me! I can't wait to see pictures of the baby inside that bump. :) Take care and enjoy your last few weeks before she comes.

Tanaya and Tim said...

Yay Holly! I am so out of it, but I just found out you have a blog...and pretty recently that you are expecting! Congratulations! I hope we can keep in touch better now that I know about this!

The Wilson Family said...

Oh my goodness, Holly, you are so cute!! Thanks for sharing. Miss you!!! Can't wait to see that baby!

Rachel said...

Ha ha! You got that right! You are adorable. Glad you are finally "looking" pregnant now! Good luck with your last few weeks of pregnancy!

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