May 22, 2009


Ankles and two, cute, slender feet.
Now I know where all the water I've been guzzling has gone to.
Flip flops or bare feet have now become my only options.


Nicole said...

Really! Good thing it's flip flop season hu! :) Not much longer to go!! LOVE YOU!!!

Talia said...

I feel your pain! :)

Claire Christensen said...

Are your ankles worse than at Chichen Itza? If they are its going to give you a good excuse to sit or lay down a put your feet up and read that good book. June is almost here! Wow, I'll be seeing you soon!!

Holly June said...

Yes, the ankles ARE worse than they were in Mexico! How big will they get?? Oh, well. I just hope it's not my face next!!

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