You sisters are amazing and WAY too good to me! I was completely blown away by all the beautiful, cute, and fun gifts that you gave to me at last night's baby shower. That was honestly so much fun, better than Christmas! Garrett was so excited when I got home with all the gifts that he insisted on staying up into the wee hours of the morning setting up the jumper and Pack-and-Play (even though I'm pretty sure we won't be needed them for, oh, another two months!) Thanks especially to Tracy and Kristin for setting up the whole shower. You ladies are too much!
Dear Bret:

Tomorrow is your 23rd birthday! I can't believe it! (What I can't believe even more is how you're about to be a DAD, crazy kid!) I miss you tons, Buddy. It's been almost a year since I've seen you, and that makes me pretty upset because we've always been best buds and this whole 1500 miles between us is putting a damper on all the fun we could and SHOULD be having together.
I miss being at BYU together when I used to see you practically every day and got to take a sweet Latin Ballroom class with you. Sometimes I catch myself saying out loud, "Sorrow for sin!" (which gets me weird looks from people) and miss your presence because you understand and appreciate that phrase better than anyone else. And then the other day, Katie and I had to let out a little "Chris Mallard!" in your honor, and it made me miss you even more. So here's what I propose: please pack yourself in Dad's luggage when the fam comes down to Minnesota in July. I'd greatly appreciate seeing your freckly face again. Thanks! Until then, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BOO-BOOS!
Dear Honda Civic:
Seriously!? Why? I told you, I have no more money to give you, so WHY? You have lost some major brownie points as a car. grrr.
Dear Belly Button:
No offense, but you look seriously funny and less attractive as an outie, and it's only getting worse. Don't fret, though; hopefully you'll be back to your cute innie self this fall. Good thing you never see the light of day anyway.
Dear Lungs:
I apologize for your innability to fully expand anymore. I know this is frustrating, but you're not the only one getting squished. Just ask Stomach, Ribs, and Bladder. They're all feeling it too.
Dear "So You Think You Can Dance":
Thanks for finally starting in two weeks. Although I watch American Idol, it just can't hold a candle to you and I'm actually excited for it to end so that YOU can start! (And for those of you who have not yet discovered this show, I pity you.)
Dear Chocolate Milk:
I am craving you and must therefore end this post so that I can go gulp you down. Ta!
Holly! You are so funny! I for one am so excited about So You Think You Can Dance!! Yay! I get to go over to Adrienne's to watch it since I don't have cable! Love you tons... Oh, I don't think Brett can make it, if you haven't heard... his wife is due any day now!! He best be doin' some chores! LOL :) J/K
dear Holly:
I miss the letters you used to leave on the counter in our Provo apts. They always made me laugh hysterically. Also, I would like to cosign on your letter to So You Think You Can Dance. I just saw yesterday in the paper that it is starting up again, and they're already doing auditions for NEXT season, so it probably won't be a whole year in between! WAHOO!
P.S. - Chocolate milk is sounding good right now...hmmm.
You are so creative and I am sure your lungs feel a bit less miffed knowing others are suffering too... just hang in there cause it gonna get really tight and then they will be able to stretch like never before! Can't wait for SO You Think You Can Dance and for my little niece to get here!
You crack me up! And I'm with you about the ribs thing--as well as all the other organs in cramped quarters.
i loved your blog until i just visited it and that adam lambert version of mad world came on. how I hate him! oh how I hate him! He better not win the dang thing.
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