September 22, 2013

Alaska State Fair

I {heart} the Alaska State Fair.
Partly because it brings back many, many memories of my days showing, washing, grooming, and auctioning off my sheep in the big barn, partially because of the yummy food, and a lot because it's not as ginormous and crowded as other state fairs (like the Minnesota State Fair; that thing is a beast!). 

This year we were able to attend the Livestock Auction (which I LOVE) as bidders for Christensen Chiropractic, LLC.  Our contributions were meager for a business just starting out, but it was so fun to support the 4-H kids and I'll admit I get a little teary-eyed seeing all the support for those kids by very generous businesses and individuals.  Can't wait for the day when I can drop a few grand at the auction and get me a steer for my freezer. :) 
The girls were quite the troopers as they sat through the (boring for them) auction:

My sisters auctioning off their steers:

After the auction, Kenadie got the thrill of her life riding on a real live PONY! 

That girl was in heaven.

Then we spent the rainy, cold afternoon navigating the crowds and booths with our kiddos (not so much fun).  Luckily they both passed out in their stroller after awhile (which was awesome!).

We headed home, left the kiddos with my sweet sister, and went back to the fair for some yummy Fair food and to catch a live Brian Regan show. 
I haven't laughed so hard in forever and Garrett is fairly sure he annoyed every person around us with his constant laugh (he has a very unique laugh, and I love it!).
Perfect date night.

Our last day at the fair, we helped my mama out by working a Petting Zoo shift and Kenadie got to participate in her first livestock show, showing a little pigmy goat. 

She was so clueless and cute, I couldn't help but laugh. 
She had a lot of fun, though, and got a few prizes for being a "Small Fry Showman", so hopefully this has sparked a future career in livestock showing and auctioning for her?! :)

All in all, a very fun few days.
Until next year, State Fair.  Though I will miss your Reuben sandwiches and deep fried peanut potatoes, I know that my post-baby self will be grateful that I only got one day's worth of fair food this year to add to the baby weight. ;)

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