January 31, 2012

Go girls, go!

Look at this happy face!

If only you could see the mama's happy face now that her little baby has decided to start scooting around and entertaining herself for longer than 2 minutes.
This means that I should now be getting so much more done, right?
I've just been trying to keep up with her older sister who has decided it's fun to unravel full rolls of toilet paper and/or try to flush them down the toilet.  
As if the garage flooding wasn't enough, we've now had a few bathroom floodings to add to the mix. :)
If you happen to drop by for a visit and need to visit the loo, don't be surprised if you see this when you go to wipe:

Besides being busy unraveling toilet paper, Kenners has been harnessing Beyonce in her dance moves:

After 2 years, it's still her favorite song.
And her reaction to it is still one of my favorite things to see.


Ellis family said...

Precious girls. I miss them!

The Wilson Family said...

Oh YES BEYONCE!! A girl after my own heart ofcourse. I know that Kenners and I would get along :o)

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