August 5, 2011

Packing, Puking, and Justin Bieber, oh my!

Just a few days from the big move and I feel kind of like a chicken running around with its head cut-off, but that's okay because I don't mind being busy, and I'm really excited to see so much of both the Willardson and Christensen families in just 3 days! :)

Beyond packing, here's a little morsel of what's been happening this week:

~ I got the worst case of strep throat I think I've ever had.  (At least I got sick well before we have to fly to Alaska!)

~ Kenadie's vocabulary never ceases to make me laugh.  She says "crap-apillar" for caterpillar, and "crap" for crab.  Lovely, huh? :)

~ Kenadie got to play with her cousins this week.  Both she and Brookie asked for each other when they woke up from their naps.  It warms my heart how they love each other, and breaks my heart that they are going to be separated. :( 

~ Kenadie has witnessed Brookie's potty-training in progress and now has an obsession with wanting to sit on the toilet (though she doesn't really get the concept of what it's for, yet) and fill it with the entire roll of toilet paper after "wiping" herself.  To her, the potty is just a really fun game. silly girl!

~ Had to take Lila to the ER a few nights ago with a fever.  As sad as it was, her miniature hospital gown was the cutest thing in the world, as well as her miniature IV.    

~ Celebrated 4 years of wedded bliss last night with sushi and a couples' foot massage.  Heaven! 

~ Kenadie has a bad case of "Bieber Fever".  If Garrett knew how often she watches Justin Bieber music videos and how well she knows the lyrics, he'd kill me.  

~ Kenadie has a literal fever now and puked all over her babysitter this morning on her way home.  (Many apologies to Jan and Ann Marie Christensen, and thanks so much for watching her!!)

~ I have informed Garrett that he is NOT allowed to get sick! 

Other than that, it's business as usual.  Packing, smooching on Lila (who gets more precious by the hour), and hearing Kenadie's repeated "no touchy!!" when I try to smooch on her.  Have we already reached the age when mom kisses are no longer cool!?  Sad day!

And now, north to Alaska.......

1 comment:

liz hawkins said...

We're already missing you guys. It's not too late...

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