June 7, 2011

Lila Claire

After a whirlwind labor and plenty of repeated "I really can't do this anymore" pleas from Mom,
little miss Lila Claire made her grand entrance
on June 6th at 10:11pm.
7 pounds, 10 ounces. 
21 inches.
Looks like her big sister.
Absolutely perfect.


Marc and Allison said...

Congrats!!! We are so happy for you guys!

Clint and Whit Smith said...

Contracts! She is beautiful. Love her name.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! She is adorable and you are so right...she looks just like her sister!! :)

Meg said...

Yay! I wondered how you were doing when I hadn't seen a post in a few days. Congrats! Kristy and I were just talking about you today and hoping things were going well. Your daughter is GORGEOUS. I'll talk to you soon. :)

Duck said...

Congratulations, Holly and Garrett! I hope all is going well and that Mom and baby are healthy and recovering. That is hard work, getting those babies here. :)

Love to all of you.

And, love the name you have chosen. :)

Love and respect, always, Cheryl

kachers said...

She's beautifuL! Congrats you guys!!!!! [It's Abby - i'm stalking you from Katie's blog!]

liz hawkins said...

Congrats to the whole family! Lila is adorable. I'm so glad to hear the labor and delivery went well. Please let us know if you need anything.

Rachel said...

Congratulations! She does look like her sister. Way to go in welcoming another beautiful girl into the world!

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