May 29, 2011

While I wait for labor to start....

I've been enjoying lots of quality time with this little ham:

We go to the park.
We cook and bake together.
We color together.  Kenadie always wants me to draw a "fwoggie", even though my "fwoggie" drawing skills could use some serious guidance.
We vacuum and feed my obsession of scrubbing down the tub and shower more than necessary.
We enjoy long walks and performing thorough "tick checks" after coming back inside.  (I found a tick in Kenadie's diaper the other day, giving me one more reason to look forward to Alaska.)
We sit through "Tangled" for the bajillionth time while Kenadie brushes my hair over and over.
And before I go to bed at night, I can't resist sneaking a peek at my baby:
because soon she will no longer be THE baby anymore.
So I'm soaking in all the Kenners-time I can get.

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