May 20, 2010

14 Toddlers, 1 Adult

Can you think of a scenario where this might be the case?
This is a scenario I find myself in currently on Sundays.
(Hopefully that will change soon and the ratio will become 14/2 or better yet, 14/3.)

Oh, yes.
I am now the Nursery leader for our church.
(In our church, most members have "callings" or assignments that church leaders ask us to serve in.  It can be anything from teaching Sunday School, to leading church music, to being a Nursery leader, or even being the Bishop!) 

When our Bishop first asked me to serve, I had 2 distinct thoughts:
"This is going to rock!" 
"This is going to kill me!"

You see, not only do I have anywhere from 10-15 regular toddlers 
ages 18 months-3 years old in Nursery for 2 hours,
but I get to bring my demanding, grumpy 10 month-old along as well! 
You see, we have church from 1-4pm: naptime! Plus, Garrett teaches the Young Men, so he can't really take her.....

Well, I made it through my first Sunday of Nursery with little-to-mishaps!
I did have about 4 kids fighting over my lap space during the 2 minute lesson, 
and there were a few little dixie cups filled with soggy goldfish after snack-time;
but I think we only had 4 kids crying for their mommies and only 5-6 who had poopies as potent as kimchi.
So overall, I count it a success.

Plus, my friend and former Nursery leader was there to show me the ropes before handing over the baton.
She pointed me to a website where I found these tips on running a successful Nursery.
Armed now with some fun/cute ideas and a whole lot of determination,
I am going to be such an awesome Nursery leader that my kids will be begging their parents to come, screaming when they have to leave, and everyone will be wishing they could be the Nursery leader. 
Just you wait.


Bald n Beautiful said...

I'm in the nursery too. The best trick I have is to have the primary buy those disposable sippie cups and write the kids names on the lids. Then there are no spills and if the kids want more drinks during the rest of the time they have their cup.

Julie Doud said...

I'm the Nursery Leader too! (Since last August.) I can't believe you have a 14 to 1 ratio though - that's actually impossible. (to my way of thinking) I'm losing two of my helpers in the coming week or two and I don't know how we'll cope!

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