....and saw this:
(This is the view from Garrett's parents' house.)
Then Kenadie woke up and got to see her Grandma!
Papa, Kenadie, and I went out and pick oranges to make some juice for breakfast.
Then Kenadie had the honors of picking the first tomato of the season.
She reached.
She picked.
She immediately devoured.
This afternoon we went and picked avocados.
We had homemade guacamole with homegrown lemons squeezed on top.
We ate fresh strawberries for our dessert and made plans to hit the beach tomorrow.
I heart California.
Wow! I am seriously so jealous. Makes me want to move to California, not just anywhere in California, that EXACT location. I would even feel better if I had somebody to visit there!
WHERE was that!? Lovely. I sure miss mountains! And an orange tree? Exotic!
Seriously? I officially hate you. So jealous.
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