March 2, 2010

So Hot

I took a trip down memory lane this morning and rummaged through my college scrapbook.
It made me really miss my best girl friends who also happened to be my roommates for all five years of my college experience at the "Y".
We had a lot of fun.
Maybe too much fun.
Maybe that's why our parents mentioned on occasion that our dating lives might be more successful if we weren't roommates and didn't spend all our time together....
.....I have no idea what they were talking about....

Is it a wonder that any of us ever got married!?
I plead the 5th.


Chelsea said...
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Holly June said...

You can download a program called "Picasa" onto your computer for free! With the program you can create collages and edit photos. Have fun!

Meg said...

Oh, gee! I'm not sure we should have published that evidence. Some of us are still trying to convince boys to marry us and need all the help we can get...:)

On second thought, they may as well know the truth from the beginning! Love you and MISS YOU TONS!

katie said...

So much fun! Those pictures make me miss you all more!! Good thing we are much more mature now...or not. When are we going to have our roomie reunion? I miss all of you! We will start looking for your condos next door to us. What do ya say?!

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