March 22, 2010

Choosing optimism today...

Kenadie had a rough night.
And I got up early to get ready for work.  
I turned on the news.
Now, I don't want to turn my blog into a political commentary
so I'll just say this one thing:
I would like to smear Kenadie's reeeeeally smelly, dirty diapers
onto the plush office chairs of many of our political leaders in Washington.
The end.

But I'm still choosing optimism today.
Today is a good day
because Garrett is FINISHED with round #1 of grueling board examinations
for chiropractic school.
After 3 weeks of not seeing him much due to long school days and then study sessions that often ran until 4am,
I have my husband back (well, kinda)!
Now he just has to study 10-12 hours a day!  Awwww, yeah!
I no longer feel like a single mom.
And Kenners no longer feels like a fatherless child.

Kenners isn't letting Daddy go for anything in the world.
So, life is good.
And I am so so so proud of my wonderful, hard-working husband.
I love you, Gar!

And here's a little piece of hilarity....
Kenners likes to get herself in tight, awkward places
and then she cries about it...

 "Help, Mom!  I'm stuck!"

"Seriously, Mom!!  This isn't funny!"
Hehehe.  I love that girl.

1 comment:

Misner Family said...

Congrats Garret. I bet it feels so good.
Kenadie is so cute, and you always have a good attitude. We are back and cant wait to see you guys.

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