January 15, 2010

The Feevees

I was kind of relieved when I found out on Monday that Kenadie had an ear infection because I thought that I could just get her on the antibiotics and she'd be back to her happy self within 24 hours.
Sadly, after 24 hours of amoxicillin, that is not the case.
She's had a fever for the last three days (or "the feevees" as it is known in the Christensen household).
I'm thinking, "bummer".
Not only are we still partying away through the night, but with the feevees she's just been kind of a bump on a log.
Normally when at home, she's doing this:

Crawling all around nakey, trying to get to the next exciting object (usually NOT a toy) and devour it.
Lately, she's been grabbing whatever object is in reach, holding it, and just lying on the floor watching PBS or the Disney Channel (and this kid never watches TV for more than 2 seconds before she decides to crawl off somewhere).
Poor little toot.
I must say, I do enjoy getting some rare snuggling time with my baby (who usually never likes to snuggle), even though it is like cuddling up with an overheated electric blanket. However, we've missed several play dates this week and after being cooped up, I'm getting a little cabin feevees of my own.
Alright, Feevees, you've worn out your welcome. You can go away now....

1 comment:

Jenny Willardson said...

Our poor babies! Ben has actually never been back to 100% since he got a flu on Christmas. He's had a feevee (we call it that too!) for the past six days, plus he's been coughing and puking up mucus. Poor boy also has an ear infection, runny nose, diarrhea, and a yeast infection. Between last Thursday's doc appointment and Tuesday, he had lost ten ounces! There CAN'T be anything worse than not being able to make your poor sick baby better! Just tell Kenadie that she and Ben will both feel like a million bucks soon! Her cousin Benny feels for her!

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