Having been an oncology (cancer) nurse, I understand all that she's going through and often wish I could be there with her as her nurse, be the one to give her the chemo treatments, explain everything to her, and hold her hand during it all. But in my absence, she's had some great nurses, an awesome oncologist, and a few very loyal friends and cousins that visit her often and have gone to a few of her chemo. treatments with her (so thanks to you wonderful girls).
Even though she's expected to make a full recovery, cancer still sucks and I'm just so proud of how she's handled herself, gotten through her last semester of high school, and is still making plans to go to college in the fall. I can't wait until she comes down to Minnesota for a three week visit in July!! I love you, Hanna Banana!! Hang in there! Only three more rounds of chemo. left!
I am still amazed at how strong she is!!! Ans so cool she hasn't lost her hair!! Love you hanna!!!
I just took a double look at that photo...you and Hanna look so alike, twins really. I can't believe she has cancer. You are a really great sister Holly :o)
No joke! Hanna is awesome and she is better off with out her superficial high school self absorbed "friends". I for one am glad she has less lame friends, now she has time to hang out with Nicole and me at my "super cool super echoey, with-no-where-for-the-kids-to-go" house and watch American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance!! So much fun! You are a great sister Holly and you made me tear up!
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