Today is my little brother Joey's birthday. He's 21! I can't believe it! Right now he's serving a mission for our church in Portugal. I am so proud of him! But I definitely miss him and can't wait until he comes home this coming winter. For those of you who don't know Joey, he is one of the funniest and most fun people to be around. My sister and I were reminiscing about all of the Joey-isms that have graced our family. No one can make us laugh like he can. No one can do pig impersonations and quote Lord of the Rings like he can, and no one in our family is as entertaining as he is. He used to drive my little sisters crazy teasing them, but not long after he left on his mission Hanna and Sadie confessed that they really missed him. So Happy Birthday, Joey! We love you! (and I'm sure there are many better pictures of Joey out there, but this is the only one I have available to me at the moment. Sorry Joey! But I still think you look handsome....)

The second reason why May 6th is so awesome is that it's International Nurse's Day!

I once read a quote that goes as follows: "Be nice to nurses; we keep doctors from accidentally killing you." While there are many good doctors out there who save people's lives, I have known this quote to be quite accurate numerous times during my short career as a nurse. Being a nurse is one of the most stressful (emotionally, physically, and mentally) and demanding jobs I can ever imagine and I have found myself sobbing in my car numerous times on my way home from work wondering why I EVER wanted to be a nurse. However, it can also be an extremely rewarding job, one that helps keep my mind sharp, allows me to form deep and unique relationships with my patients, and gives me an opportunity to provide a very needed service to society. So yay for being a nurse, and yay for the nurses who have kept me healthy and changed my life. My hat's off to you today!

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Very cool! :)
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