I probably looked like this.....
I definitely felt like this:

....barely treading through the waters of life. (I chose the piglets because although my doctor's nurse tells me I'm looking like an adorable pregnant lady, we all know that just like these piglets, adorable things all-too-rapidly become large and bloated.)
I cannot forget that without certain factors in my life, looking like a cranky cat with bad hair/pig treading water would not have been possible. So I must take time to thank those individual factors at this moment:
1. Thank you, long blonde hair, for growing split ends so fast and making me look like I have a head full of wispy straw. I simply don't know what to do with you anymore besides throw you up into a messy bun! I really need to get you cut, but that requires $. I would have the $, except.....
2. Thank you, my sweet, reliable Honda Civic for being one of the rare Hondas to poop out on its owner and require the entire suspension to be replaced for lots of very shiny pennies. Don't worry, those shiny pennies can be found in great abundance around our humble abode.
3. Thank you, Garrett's previous employer and the IRS, for making this year's tax filing season such a joyful experience. Please, feel free to take our money. I think I may rip my straw-like hair out which would negate the need for said $ required to get my mop top cut into a more attractive style. So you see, we don't need extra cash.
So a heart-felt thanks again for those things that made me look so attractive yesterday.
Today I am no longer a cranky cat or treading water. I'm back to my normal, happy self:

(Disclaimer: this picture was taken like 8 months ago, so my hair is not exactly this shiny and nice right now, but it's a happy picture of me, so you get the idea....)
The happy, normal version of me would not be possible without the following, which I also must give thanks to right now:
1. Thanks, Garrett, for being the biggest sweetheart and doing all the dishes so I wouldn't have to this morning. Also, thanks for being so handsome. That helps a lot too. You are the greatest husband in the world!
2. Thanks, Wal-Mart, for having ground turkey on sale for $1/pound. So much yummier, healthier, and cheaper than ground beef! And now I have a nice supply of cheap meat meat in the freezer. yay!
3. Thanks, Katie, for sharing your Jalapeno Popper Doritos. Those were heavenly delicious and I think I will now officially have a pregnancy food craving.
1. Thank you, long blonde hair, for growing split ends so fast and making me look like I have a head full of wispy straw. I simply don't know what to do with you anymore besides throw you up into a messy bun! I really need to get you cut, but that requires $. I would have the $, except.....
2. Thank you, my sweet, reliable Honda Civic for being one of the rare Hondas to poop out on its owner and require the entire suspension to be replaced for lots of very shiny pennies. Don't worry, those shiny pennies can be found in great abundance around our humble abode.
3. Thank you, Garrett's previous employer and the IRS, for making this year's tax filing season such a joyful experience. Please, feel free to take our money. I think I may rip my straw-like hair out which would negate the need for said $ required to get my mop top cut into a more attractive style. So you see, we don't need extra cash.
So a heart-felt thanks again for those things that made me look so attractive yesterday.
Today I am no longer a cranky cat or treading water. I'm back to my normal, happy self:
(Disclaimer: this picture was taken like 8 months ago, so my hair is not exactly this shiny and nice right now, but it's a happy picture of me, so you get the idea....)
The happy, normal version of me would not be possible without the following, which I also must give thanks to right now:
1. Thanks, Garrett, for being the biggest sweetheart and doing all the dishes so I wouldn't have to this morning. Also, thanks for being so handsome. That helps a lot too. You are the greatest husband in the world!
2. Thanks, Wal-Mart, for having ground turkey on sale for $1/pound. So much yummier, healthier, and cheaper than ground beef! And now I have a nice supply of cheap meat meat in the freezer. yay!
3. Thanks, Katie, for sharing your Jalapeno Popper Doritos. Those were heavenly delicious and I think I will now officially have a pregnancy food craving.
4. Thanks, Joey, for sending me weekly e-mails from Portugal while you're on your mission. I love hearing from you, and your e-mails always crack me up. We miss you!
Hopefully this week will not see any more metamorphoses from me....
Oh, my Holly! I'm sorry to hear you had a rough day, but I am so glad to see that it has not dampened your endlessly positive attitude. Way to look for the good in life! It's not about waiting for the storm to stop, it's about learning to dance in the rain. :)
Love ya!
You make me smile!! I always appreciate and enjoy your optimistic cheery attitude! I wish you lived closer so I could surround myself with your cute, spunky, fun little self!!
You look gorgeous in that picture by the way! looks like a bear lake condo in the background with the ever popular costco box of popcorn on the counter!
Loves :D
Good eye, Talia! That IS indeed a picture taken from our very fun and very cramped Bear Lake condo. Fun times. Can't wait to get together again with you guys.....
hahaha... and very cramped it was. I think I had a mini nervous breakdown that week! Next time I will put in a clause that I will come IF... I don't have to share a room and bathroom with 15 people!! Good times!
oh holly i always love reading your blog! and you are definitely the cutest pregnant girl i have ever seen! The zophran letter was amazing seriously i should print it off and save it for my next pregnancy because i know i will be using it again! I just love you!
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