March 20, 2009


Basically, as of today this little body snatcher inside of my abdomen could actually survive outside of the womb. Not that I would encourage her to come out yet, but it's a nice milestone to reach.

And when I say body snatcher, I'm being serious. Last night I thought her punches might send my belly button shooting across the room.

And we still have 16 weeks to go. Yikes.

PS My old roommate and best friend, Katie, is getting married today. I REALLY wish I could be there. I love you, Katie!!


Talia said...

Via-what?? I had to look that word up in the dictionary, I have never even heard it before!! So... thanks for broadening my vocabulary. hehe :)

Holly June said...

Sorry, "viability" it just the medical lingo for the baby being able to survive outside the womb. Sometimes my nursing vocabulary runs away with me....

Meg said...

Yay, Holly! I want to see more pictures of you. You've got to be looking more pregnant by now.

P.S. - You can see a few pictures from Katie's wedding on my blog.

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