Lemon: I miss my husband. 14-18 hour days of school and study are no fun. Sometimes I only see him long enough to say goodnight, or for him to wake me up when he gets home to say goodnight.
Lemonade: Only a few more weeks until finals are over, and then hopefully by the end of this school year, the worst of his schooling will be over and we'll get to see more of each other.
Lemon: I discovered this morning that Zofran is not always magical; sometimes my stomach just says no anyway.
Lemonade: At least Zofran works sometimes!
Lemon: I am still unemployed. I can't seem to find a job!
Lemonade: I'm sure that I'll be blessed with the perfect job when the time is right. I just have to keep looking and have faith. Besides, I'm probably a little too sick to work right now anyway.
Lemon: I love eating, so I'm really going to miss indulging on all the yummy feasts and goodies of the holiday season, since just the thought of them is making me a bit queasy this year.
Lemonade: At least I won't have to worry about the holiday weight gain. Plus, my greatly diminished appetite is saving us a significant amount of money on groceries!
Lemon: I like to be busy and productive. Being sick is slowing me down, and sometimes I'm a little bored!
Lemonade: Boredom is causing me to think of adventurous things to do as soon as I'm able. For example, I decided that when I start feeling a little better, I'm going to a good salon and getting my hair chopped off. My hair, by the way, has been long for the past 9 years. I think this may traumatize Garrett, but like I said, this is what unemployment and pregnancy are doing to me. I'll hopefully get a cute hair cut out the deal!
Lemon: I'm a little bummed to be not feeling so well when we go to San Diego for Christmas, since I was also sick the last time we visited.
Lemonade: I'm just so happy that we DO get to go there for Christmas! Thank you Sid and Claire!! I can't wait for the warmer weather and to spend time with the family. Garrett and I are on cloud nine to be able to take this trip. We are so blessed.
Lemon: Sometimes, life hands you lemons.
Lemonade: Forget making lemonade, I'm going to have a baby! That's enough of a good thing to make all the lemons well worth it. And I have an awesome husband, family, and ward to help along the way. So nice try, Life, but your lemons don't scare me!
I never post any pictures, probably because we don't take many pictures. So here's some long overdue pictures of us from Halloween (Ceasar and a Greek goddess): almost everything was homemade (it's amazing what you can do on a budget!) and I can't believe I got Garrett to wear the robe!
Holly you are so cute and funny! I love the whole saving money on food/ not gaining weight! It's funny the things you get excited over when you have little money!! I just have to say one thing.... DON"T CUT YOUR HAIR!!! It is such a pregnancy thing TRUST me! Both times I have been preggers I have chopped my hair off only to regret it later! If you do cut it, at least leave it long enough to be able to pull it back, cause once little baby Christensen is here you will rarely have the time to actually do anything with your hair! love and miss you guys!
Holly, you are the cutest thing ever! I love you r blog and you comments. I don't doubt that GArrett will be traumatized if you cut your hair, but it is your hair! Keep it long enough, like Talia said, to put in a pony by the time you little one arrives. Hair grows fast during pregnancy, but not that fast! FYI Talia does know all about the pregnancy CHOP!!
I waited until my little one was using it for climbing before I was wise enough to get rid of it. It only took me 5 yrs. to grow it out again! I would opt for the deluxe spa pedicure instead, but it is up to you! I am jealous of your Christmas trip! I'm not sure if that falls under Lemon for creating coveting in another human being or Lemonade by teaching another human being to be uninhibitingly happy for you!
Love you!! Adee
Don't worry everyone. I'm not THAT brave enough to give myself a bob. For me, a "chop" is shoulder length hair, because I agree, I would HAVE to be able to pull it back in a ponytail. I just wouldn't have the patience to do it everyday!
Great post!!
I love the pictures you are so talented to make those costumes!! They really look amazing!! So fun!
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