The past few days have consisted of the following:
laundry (a task when you don't have your own washer and dryer!),
thorough cleaning and vacuuming of the apartment,
two Costco runs (because I got all the way to Costco the first time with my bundled up baby in -12 degrees only to discover I forgot my Costco card 15 miles away at home),
dealing with a baby who would rather cry than sleep or nap (don't worry, people, I'm holding out strong and still not going to her when she does this--go me!),
organizing papers,
beginning to file taxes (ew!),
and Garrett being MIA from 7am-8pm due to school and church duties.
Then at 7pm last night
Garrett came home
took over the fussy-but-oh-so-cute child
and allowed me to go renew my energy by doing this:
Yoga gives me one heck of a work out
(I'm serious, Mom; you need to find a GOOD yoga class. It will kick your little workaholic behind)
Yoga challenges me.
Yoga stretches and relaxes me.
Yoga restores my sanity.
By 8:15pm
I was dripping with sweat
my legs felt like jell-o jigglers
and I had discovered that I can still hang out in "crow pose" quite well (despite my relative absence from yoga in the past year or so).
I felt happy, refreshed, renewed.
I came home and smothered Kenners with kisses, sang to her, fed her, and put her to sleep
as if she had never given me heck the last few days.
And that is how Yoga restores a mom's sanity.
("The Divinity within me perceives and respects the Divinity within you.")
two Costco runs (because I got all the way to Costco the first time with my bundled up baby in -12 degrees only to discover I forgot my Costco card 15 miles away at home),
dealing with a baby who would rather cry than sleep or nap (don't worry, people, I'm holding out strong and still not going to her when she does this--go me!),
organizing papers,
beginning to file taxes (ew!),
and Garrett being MIA from 7am-8pm due to school and church duties.
Then at 7pm last night
Garrett came home
took over the fussy-but-oh-so-cute child
and allowed me to go renew my energy by doing this:

(I'm serious, Mom; you need to find a GOOD yoga class. It will kick your little workaholic behind)
Yoga challenges me.
Yoga stretches and relaxes me.
Yoga restores my sanity.
By 8:15pm
I was dripping with sweat
my legs felt like jell-o jigglers
and I had discovered that I can still hang out in "crow pose" quite well (despite my relative absence from yoga in the past year or so).

I felt happy, refreshed, renewed.
I came home and smothered Kenners with kisses, sang to her, fed her, and put her to sleep
as if she had never given me heck the last few days.
And that is how Yoga restores a mom's sanity.

("The Divinity within me perceives and respects the Divinity within you.")
I'm so with you! Long live yoga!
Awesome!! I did a body blast class at the gym the other day and I was AMAZED at how much better I felt 20 min later! I mean HAPPY! I tried to go the next day and it was so full, I mean like I saw 5 other people who wanted to get in the class and couldn't cause it was packed!! I LOVE fun workouts that bring us moms back our sanity! :)
Wow, that is awesome! I love Yoga and can't wait to get back into it! I guess I need to be able to see my toes first , huh?
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