- Wake up from calorie induced comas on Friday morning
- Eat pumpkin pie for breakfast
- Eat another feast of left overs for lunch and vow to never eat again because we're so full!
- Eat again in a few hours anyway
- Garrett spends all day Friday and Saturday fixing his truck. I think our family has more car trouble than sharks have teeth.
- While Garrett worked on the truck, I spent time with this little toot:
- Garrett thinks he's fixed the truck and on Saturday night drives to Auto Zone for a few small things
- Truck breaks down on way to Auto Zone
- truck still not working for this week
- Garrett and I accept a request/invitation to be Joseph and Emma Smith for our church's Christmas party program. It's like a full on play that we have to put on in, oh, two weeks! And we have to turn the cultural hall into Nauvoo. What are we getting ourselves into!? Where the heck will I find a dark brown, Emma-esque wig, not to mention a pioneer dress?
- Daddy/Daughter play time on Friday night:
(Recently, Kenadie has pretty much only been smiling like this:
- attempted to be crafty and get some Christmas gifts made on Saturday
- ruined my attempt! :( (will try again this week. I am no Martha Stewart, apparently.)
- Had "Sense and Sensibility" playing on the TV while attempting craftiness. Kenadie was enthralled:
- Checked on Kenadie during her Saturday afternoon nap. This is what I discovered (and what she has been doing a lot lately while she sleeps):
- slept Friday and Saturday night (Garrett took Kenadie duty) Hooray! Did you know what a DIFFERENCE sleep can make on one's mood, energy, and outlook on life!? I'm a new woman!
- Kenadie only woke up twice Saturday night!
- Put Kenadie in a very cute, pink winter dress on Sunday morning given to us by our friend Annie. She looks SO cute in her new dress.
- Kenadie pukes fountains in her car seat right as we're heading out the door to church.
- Quickly bathe Kenadie, wipe out car seat, and change her into a much less cute dress :(
- Late for church
- See an albino squirrel on our way into the church building
- Garrett insists on taking pictures of albino squirrel with phone camera. (I'll have to upload them sometime. It was cool/freaky-looking.)
- Now we're really late for church.
- Still enjoy church immensely.
- Make some yummy pasta salad for dinner.
-Read the Ensign
- Garrett finally allows me to put on some Christmas music! I dance around the apartment with Kenadie.
- Read to Kenadie right before bedtime.
(What a sweet little girl. I can't get enough of her!)
- Kenadie gets the croup, has a high fever all night long, wakes up every 1/2 hour:
A not-so-perfect end to the not-so-perfect-but-somehow-STILL-perfect weekend. :)
Love hearing the run down Holly! It's like I'm right there with ya! :)
I feel bad for laughing out loud while reading about your not so perfect weekend, but you have such a gift of humor even when life is hard! That's a good thing!!!
I love those pictures of Kenadie! She is sooo cute and chubby!
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