I love being a mommy! Honestly, how could you not when you get to kiss these fluffy cheeks all day long?
Yes, I am in love. However, here is the unfortunate visual result of what seven weeks of motherhood has produced:

- Gripe water is a joke! (Okay, I know it works for some of you, but it hasn't really done a thing for Kenadie yet)
- Gas drops haven't helped either.
- Changing my diet (i.e. cutting out dairy, wheat, chocolate, nuts, basically anything edible or delicious) didn't change the screaming or fussiness. It only made me ravenously hungry.
- Letting her "cry it out" hasn't worked. She just cries, screams, occasionally falls asleep, but then wakes up 15 minutes later crying again. She is persistent!
- Garrett and I are like zombies! So tired! HELP!
Luckily, Kenadie is the cutest thing on the planet and the brief shining moments when she's pleasant are the greatest! She's starting to coo and smile a lot during those times, and I just LOVE it!
We're definitely looking forward to the day that little princess will get used to life and sleep. Until then, I am just extremely grateful that Kenadie is generally healthy and that I don't have any other kids to take care of. I can't even imagine! All you moms with multiple children AND colicky babies, I bow down at your feet!
I feel your pain. Tyan had colic so bad! Some days I almost wanted to ship him away!!! I never would have, but I thought about it (thanks to a little post partum depression too!). I ordered this stuff off the internet called Colic Calm(just a mix of different herbs that have been proven to hlep with colic) and I also gave him one capsule twice a day of Culturelle(it is OTC), it is a type of Lactobacillis for kids and babies. I would just open the caps and sprinkle it into a bottle. Thanks to the pediatrician I work for for recommending it because it helped him out alot!!! I don't know if it would help your babe out any but it would totally be worth a try. I think the Colic Calm was around $25 and the Culturelle was like $8, but totally worth it. Good luck, and just remember they do grow out of it and become ALOT of fun! Miss you guys and Love ya!
Isn't it funny how even when they just wont stop screaming you still just love more than anything. I wish I had some magic trick suggetion sorry -- no go. I did however do the cutting out of every food on the planet, Max is allergic to everything (he is getting better though) and I tried cutting everything for Krieg before we found out about his CF. I am sorry she is crying for you so much...she is a doll though!!
i have a friend and her baby has acid reflux...shes on an antacid and a special formula and she says that she is doing better especailly at night! does she arch her back a lot when she cries because she said that the doctor told her that was a big sign of acid reflux...anyway good luck
Greg and I were going nuts with Olivia's fussing and crying until we discovered The Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Harvey Karp. It is not hyperbolic for me to tell you that it changed our lives as parents. After watching his video and reading his book, Olivia never fussed for more than 20 minutes at a time and she slept longer at nap time and at night. I cannot recommend his advice enough!
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