Kenadie Nicole Christensen
Born July 2nd, 2009 7:05 pm
8 pounds, 1 ounce
21.25 inches long
After nine long months, what seemed like an eternally long labor, and 1 1/2 hours of pushing, we were finally graced with our daughter's presence two days ago. And it was all worth it! Kenadie is healthy and beautiful. Everything went well. I was lucky enough to have my husband, mother-in-law, and sister Katie there to help me through the process and I think we had the best doctor in the world there to deliver our little girl.
Garrett and I are loving our time with her and were able to enjoy the 4th of July bringing Kenadie home from the hospital and enjoying yummy burgers and goodies prepared by Garrett's mother, Claire. So here's a little picture overload for ya of our sweet new addition.
Look at all that dark hair!

Look at all that dark hair!

Going home!

Congratulations guys! She is SO beautiful! You will be great parents! And I'm sure you're SOOOO relieved to not be pregnant anymore.
Ahh, all of the pictures are so sweet! I love baby Kenadie with her Daddy!! Adorable. :)
Congratulations Holly! She is so stinkin' cute! I don't know if I've ever commented on your blog before but I definitely check it out every now and then to see how you're doing! I'm glad everything is going well for you and your cute little family! Enjoy her for every minute cause they grow up so fast! Mine is already 2 months and I can hardly believe it!
Oh, she is just adorable! Congratulations!!
Congrats Holli! I love her hair!
I can't get enough of her and I'm sure you can't either!! Love you!!!! :)
Oh my gosh! ADORABLE!! Congrats Holly. I am so excited for you. Isn't it wonderful being a mom? I can't believe all that dark hair, not expecting that at all! She's so cute!
Holly you made it! She is very adorable and I'm so glad for you guys! You are a wonderful mother I am sure.
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