Why, hello!!
I am four weeks old today, and let me tell you, this first month has been PACKED with running around, going to many places, getting smooched on by family, and, of course, keeping my mom up at night! :) Here are some highlights of my first, busy month of life:1) Family came to visit!
I was lucky enough to have both sets of grandparents visit and to have most of my Willardson aunties visit me as well during my first month and for my baby blessing. With family in town and so much to do and so many places to go, we rarely had a spare moment to sit and relax (although as a newborn, I could really sleep anywhere!).
2) I got my first cold:
runny nose, yucky cough, and pink eye! What more could a girl ask for!?!
3) I went on my first road trip to Nauvoo, Illinois.
We had so much fun in Nauvoo! Mom and Dad got to go inside the beautiful temple and do temple work, we all saw the Nauvoo Pageant, and we got to see all the sites of Historic Nauvoo.

4) We also went to Carthage, Illinois.
On our last day of vacation in Nauvoo, we got to visit Carthage Jail where the prophet Joseph Smith was martyred. I fussed and slept most of the time, but Mom and Dad seemed very touched by the whole experience and spirit that they felt their. It was an amazing, testimony-building vacation.

5) I cracked my first real smile at almost 4 weeks old!
Of course, now I don't care to humor anyone by smiling again, no matter how hard they try or how dumb they look trying to make me smile!
6) I went on my first trip to the zoo!

7) I got to see the Mississippi River: both in Minneapolis and in Nauvoo, IL.

Mom calls it my food storage.

9) I slept, A LOT (except for at night!).
I love to sleep anywhere, so long as I can have my hands up by my face or in whatever weird position is comfortable for me.

Practicing piano in my sleep:

I wish I could smooch those cute cheeks!! They kill me! :) I love her sleeping with her hands up by her face.
You are one trooper for sure! I can't believe you have not sat down for 2 seconds after giving birth! You make it seem like you have just had your 6th kid-no big deal!!
Glad to see you are all happy and healthy. I have been thinking of you guys lots lately. We miss you in the blogging world. We need your humor in our lives! :)
Oh sister, believe me: I am EXHAUSTED! Being so busy with family here has been fun, but I swear, it has almost killed me. Hopefully with the next kid, I'll get a lot more rest after the delivery. And now, I want to see some pictures of your growing belly! :) Can't wait for your little baby to get here!
Wow, it looks like Kenadie's mom will need a nap after all that crazy activity, but what a great opportunity to see some of the sights near you. I love the sleeping pictures! So cute!
Wowzers! Holly- you crazy new mom :) I don't know how you've done it! I've proably been the laziest person on the planet these last four weeks and I'm still exhausted from this whole baby thing! It looks like you guys had a ton of fun though, and your girl is so beauiful! We can for sure set our kids up one day- Jackson would be a lucky man to even get to count your little Kenadie as a gal friend :)
Holly you are amazing! Love all the pics, thanks for sharing. I'm glad you had a great experience in Nauvoo. Can't wait to see you again!!!!
She is so adorable Holly! It sounds like you guys are having a lot of adventures!! I love Nauvoo, we've been there a few times since we got married because my parents were temple missionaries there and my brother got married there. Love it, love it, love it!
I LOVE these pictures! I am SO EXCITED to see her at Christmas!! At least I can look forward to that, but until then I need lots of pictures and I chats! :)
Holy Crap!!! That is a of of running around! Are you sure you didn't take after your mom? All that makes me tired, I think I'll go to sleep now, for the both of us! Take it easy girl, the key is movie nights! =) Love you!
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