Okay people, this is the LAST picture of my pregnant belly (and I'm even hesitant to put this one up). I feel huge. Enough said.

On another, more pleasant note, I got to go to Garrett's school today for a free adjustment at the clinic there and then go to Garrett's open lab with him during his lunch hour to witness him giving his first adjustment. Of course he did everything perfectly and looked like a pro as he adjusted another student's neck and back! I was actually very impressed. I think it would be more scary to learn how to adjust someone's neck than it was for me to learn how to start an IV! Just two more years and you can call him "Dr. Christensen" and go to him with any back pain you might have. He's going to be amazing. I'm so proud of you, Gar!
Wow, how exciting! Two weeks!
oh you look AMAZING !!! I am praying that the she gets here early for yoU!! love you holly!
When you look back on this first pregnancy, especially how you look, you'll think "wow, I looked pretty good!" And thank goodness you kind of forget all the pain and misery of carry a baby in your belly.
As soon as I get there you have my permission to have that adorable baby. I am predicting July 1 or 2.
Also, I am very proud of Garrett. You are both amazing!!!!
Yeah Holly! You've almost done it, carried a baby for 40 weeks....it really does get miserable at the end, but so exciting and surreal at the same time. I can't wait to see pics of that baby up here!
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