I'm now 17 1/2 weeks along--yipee! Garrett tells me that my stomach has a definite bump and I've had some requests for pregnant Holly pictures. While I have been starting to feel a little bloated lately in the tummy area, I just don't think this qualifies as a "baby bump" yet:

However, please note that my once-cute and figure-flattering trousers are now rather baggy and about to fall off my bum. Thank-you, "morning" sickness. Perhaps these pants will serve me well as maternity pants for awhile, which would save me from having to buy one more item of maternity clothes and therefore make me very happy :)
I get to finally see this little stinker in an ultrasound in a few weeks and find out if it is a girl or a boy. I can't wait! Until then....
......are you even in there?
Oh Holly! I can't believe that you're not showing at all yet. In some ways, it seems like that would be every pregnant woman's dream. On the other hand, I can see how it might be nice to have proof of the reason you've been feeling so icky lately. You better call me when you find out girl or boy!
Oh my gosh! You're wasting away!!! I know how that feels to be almost halfway through pregnancy and not much to show for it -- especially when people are asking for pics! :) (I know people who already had a big ol' prego belly by the beginning of the second trimester, but I think it's probably more cookies and ice cream than baby) But holy cow, when those babies start to stick out, they don't slow down! The little boogers. They take over everything. I'm sure we'll see yours pretty well in a few short weeks... And be sure to post some of your ultrasound pics when you get them--we can't wait to see the little munchkin! In the meantime, take care of yourself (and the little one) -- we love you!
haha! Thanks!! I think I look more pregnant than you... and I had a baby almost 4 years ago!!! All Garrett ever talked about(before he was even engaged) was how he hoped his wife stayed slim and fit while pregnant and afterwards too! You definitely fit the bill!! I can't wait to watch and see your tummy and baby grow! :)
Hey Holly! Very very cute post...nope, I agree no signs of a bump yet! can't wait to find out the sex, make a post :o) Miss you!
OMG Holly you are sooo tiny!!! and so adorable! I can't wait to see what you are having it is going to be sooo much fun! Love you darlin!
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